Friday, May 8, 2009

Searching for the best...


‘Jangan la jual mahal sgt..’ penah x korg dilemparkan ngn tuduhan mcm ni? Lately 2,3 org mmbe laki ckp cenggini ngn aku..ok, I would to share a story that I’ve been read from my fren’s fotopage (credit to him);

"There was a teacher asking her student to pick up THE BEST flower on a garden. There were 12 rows of flowers planted. The flower should be the best flowers of all that were there, and the student was given 3 days to complete his task. At the end of the first day, he finished 4 rows, but he came back with nothing in his hand. He just couldn't find the best one as he kept thinking there might be something better in the next row. He then continued on the next 4 rows in the following day, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

On the last day, the teacher said that the student MUST come up with his choice before he finishes the last row. Feeling a bit rushed, worried and desperate, he finally picked up a flower on the last rows, which was actually not as good as the flowers on the previous rows he had seen before. With a pinch of disappointment, he returned to the teacher with his final choice."

Can get what I’m trying to say? Imagine choosing the BEST FLOWER is like choosing partner for your life. Sometimes we’re already met the right person. Someone who we close to, we chat everyday, we got argue on little2 stupid things, and yet we keep denying since we’re intend to look for better one. We list up all the criteria we dreamed of. So we keep on searching and rejecting, until we come to a point that we left with minimal choices, as we are errr..getting older. At those point of time, we tend to accept anyone who approaches us (somehow desperate lor) only if, there is any.

My dear friends..We are not that good either. Stop searching for perfection, but start becoming a better person each day. InsyaAllah we will find the right person one day.

Don’t married man who u can live, but marry someone who u can’t live without.

My mum’s principle>> marry man who loves you..not you love..


Aku Bukan JLo said...

memang..!! org suke ckp cmtu..pape lar!! huh!! bajet betul..!~~

Anonymous said...

marry man who love you~

Masdi Hazli said...

marry man who love u....hmmm...
quote yg menarik...